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Envy & Co. Is the beginning of inspiration that doesn’t have an end. Envy evolves and progresses towards its destination. Envy is confident. Envy is beautiful. Envy is graceful. Envy is character and personality which expresses who you are.   E N V Y, is loving the skin you’re in.​

Remember, it’s not what you say, but how you say it. It’s not what you think, but what you know. It’s not what you wear, but who’s wearing it. Envy has been redefined to be admired and to be loved. So allow me to Envy you. If you haven’t been ENVIED you have not been loved.

YOU are ENVY, because
Everyone Notices Valuable You
Envy & Co. provides a wide range of the latest fashion for women to add to their established identity.
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